Friday, November 9, 2012


Tournament Registration
We NEED ONE more player in the age group of 7-9 years old for the tournament. Any player in this age group who wants to play, please visit the sign in table and speak with Coach Sean. We have been allowed to extend the registration until tomorrow to complete our team. Please sign up and pay tomorrow for the November 17th tournament.

Dress to Win

Mirada teams we are playing tomorrow rainy, cold, or sunny. Please dress appropriately for the weather. You are great players. Enjoy yourselves and the game.

Remember to check the sign in table for the location of your game. At this time you will learn the team you are competing against.

Snack Schedule
There are still dates available for any family who is willing and able to provide snack for your child's team. Please click on the Snack Schedule tab, review the slots available, and send an email or go to the sign in table to provide the date you are willing to provide snack.

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