Sunday, April 14, 2013

Tournament Updates

Mirada families,

We are heading to the tournament this weekend! Mirada will have 63 players and 6 teams competing under Coach Sean Banda.

However, we are still in need of parent coaches for at least one of our teams. There will be an email sent to the team(s) in need of these volunteers. Coach Sean is not allowed to coach any of his teams until finals. Parent coaches are essential to keeping the cost of tournament down while our team coaches are refereeing the games.

Check in times:
8:00-8:30a    Red Devils and Blue Devils (9am game start time) Will need to provide age verification documentation at registration time to play.

9:00-9:30a    Scorpions and Defenders (10am game start time)

10:00-10:30  Sharks and All Stars (11am game start time) All Stars will need to provide age verification documentation at registration time to play.

What to bring:
Please make sure you player and yourself have plenty of water, sunscreen, food, shade, and seating or blankets to be comfortable and enjoy the game.

Some teams like to potluck to bring the minimize the cost for everyone. All Stars did this last tournament and it was wonderful! Everyone was able to eat (players and families). If any team would like to do this, please email me so we can make the arrangements for communication. We are on the field all day, for two days. We need to stay hydrated and nourished.

As always, if you need anything, please send me an email, text or call.

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